
I understood hunger. I was immune to it but there was always some way I could put food on the table. Whether it was negotiating with people, begging sometimes even stealing. Yet here, there was no way out. No way for me to leave and haggle with some misunderstanding, elderly woman. No. I was stuck here and there was absolutely nothing I could do about it. Now without my family I didn’t have the weight of feeding them but still, my innate feeling of helplessness made me feel like some wondering duck just waiting to be shot. They wouldn’t care if I died. In fact, the only thing they would care about is there gladness at the fact they don’t have to waist there resources on me and my petty needs.

This was the government let’s remember. No mercy. That was there motto, and of course they abided to it. Laws were enforced in order to keep everyone in peace, yet all they perpetrated was disorder and depression. The two D’s. This was like a futuristic version of the Hunger Games.

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