Submitted by alex

Think of any word.

Write about that word until two minutes are up.


Conceal: one word, a thousand meanings.

Cover up and be misleading.

Conceal. Pretend your heart is beating.

Fifty fake smiles to hide the bleeding.

Conceal. Push them all away.

Don't accept plastic bouquets.

Conceal. Mask the things you're proud of—

What they can't see, they can't make fun of.

Conceal. Don't ever let them know

How much you hate that you're alone.

Conceal the scars beneath your sleeves.

Cover up how your soul grieves.

Conceal all that brings you joy.

You know humans just destroy.

Conceal. Hide what makes you you.

Their words are knives—they'll run you through.

(I may have slightly gone over two minutes...😅)

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