
I am made entirely of flaws, stitched together by good intentions.

Am I selfless or selfish?

One suffering is better than a million suffering right?

I'm not so sure about that now. The screams are only growing louder and louder, the earmuffs are losing its effect, the shadows are still there. Lurking in the shadows with my sanity.

Sanity, that definition is unclear to me now.

My hands bleed with all that is left, the empty feeling that I am used to. Freedom seems forever ago but this is **right**.

For the _greater good_.

Flaws should only be one's problems, not million's.

But that is true then why have them at all?

Why constantly contradict yourself? Isolate yourself? Wear the earmuffs? Just let them in.

Flaws should be embraced.

Flaws are the hands that move along your body to lift you up.

Yet my flaws are wrapped around my neck, growing day by day. Let them in?

That's selfish.

But every time I hold up that mirror, I can hardly tell the difference and the whispers? Only grow louder.




The earmuffs bled with the screams that filled my ears from the ghosts, the tortured souls longing for release.



**_Self_**….was the only thing I should focus on.

It was time for the earmuffs to come off.

I have my flaws yes, stitched by good intentions but driven by selfish needs.


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