Compose a poem that involves the use of numbers.

Numbers can be used as countdowns, time-telling devices, checklists, or other creative ways in a poem.

 Sober  Date

31 long years ago,

Inside a babies form,

In March of 1993,

A warrior was born.

No one knew it then, therefore,

No one was there to warn,

Her that the coming years would be,

A raging fucking storm.

Evil tried to take her down,

But no one bothered to tell,

These demons that this warrior,

Could raise all kinds of hell.

On the 19th of November,


She went face-to-face with evil

And rocked him to his core.

Now it’s been almost a year,

And she’s got the devil’s,

Blood all over her blade,

And it’s her turn to revel.

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