Submitted by A.Brosien
A princess has been waiting in her tower for her Prince Charming to save her. But after 30 years, enough is enough, and she decides she's going to save herself.
Continue the story... (you could take this prompt more metaphorically, and write in any genre that fits the theme!)
What Is Prince Charming?
**My body became utterly weightless as my clothes danced in the wind. Looking out at the palace grounds I have called home for the past 30 years and saying an audible thank you to whoever made me feel welcome, I let go. I don’t remember what my childhood bedroom looked like. Nor the sent of my fathers cologne or the feeling of my mothers embrace. One room. One room with a small but comfortable bed and a large window with a dark wooden frame is all I woke up to. What my life was before I don’t quite remember but one thing I do know; my Prince Charming will come to save me one day. At least that’s what I thought. **
**I soon left the bedroom to find a palace. Always clean. Always decorated. Yet no sign of life aside from the occasional song of birds and cicadas finding its way through the long hallways. The palace was large though I soon became accustomed to its oddity. It never stayed the same for long but after some time wondering the expansive halls and sneaking through small passageways I would always find just what I was looking for. Perfectly baked bread with fresh fruit, a dress which always fit me just right or books on all sorts of places and cultures though their legitimacy could be questioned. I was never uncomfortable though where the food and clothes came from always remained a mystery. **
**I know not who or what is always looking after me but I did my best to help out. I washed my dishes every night, I made my bed, I swept the floors, and I never made a mess. On occasion I would leave a note. Not for anyone I suppose but more a written telling of what has happened here should anyone find themselves trapped. I am trapped yes, but I have not a lack of space. Strolling through perfectly maintained gardens and scaling up towers were possible though I never quite got far enough to avoid opening a door to find my room instead of an exit. Each time I explored farther I would return to a small pastry wrapped up in parchment placed carefully on the windowsill. They were quite good with a different filling each time and seemed to be a small reward though it was unclear for which task. **
**Tonight I am free. Prince Charming never came. Through I don’t quite know what it is. I assumed I would know when I saw it but nothing has stuck out to me. Regardless of who or what this Charming thing is, I leave this place. I wonder if I am the first to be here or if their have been more? Maybe in my next life I could be someone’s Prince Charming. But with a clean room, washed dishes, and folded clothes I leave this life, ready to face whatever hardships come with freedom. **