Submitted by The Stranger

'The wind blows my hair. I’m standing on the edge again.'

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bloody Murder

The wind blows my hair. I’m standing on

The edge again.

With Micheal down their, with bloodstains on his hands.

I can’t believe I did it, I killed Micheal.

As the sunset came, the light started to leave but my wet face became solid. Memories flooding my mind, the redness of his dark metallic blood hardening on me by the minute. The wind blowing my obsidian curls.

The weapon still in my hand, shining only slightly with so little light. I couldn’t look away from the body. The scared and shock face that once used to smile at me now frozen in place. Eyes not diluted but soulless.

I wipe my nose with the back of my palm, knife with Micheal’s blood sticked to it in my eye view.

I gulped before I walked closer to the edge of the mountain, the leaves of the trees moving along side the wind creating a cold breeze that went down my spine. I leaned forward eyes closed, bracing myself for the hardness of the worlds surface to end me.

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