Write a scene where something chaotic is happening.
Crumbled Buildings
He kept from one roof to another. Seemingly endless uneven towers hardly caressed him as he hopped and tumbled on each landing. Three more boys follow suit maniacally laughing and stumbling behind him.
Their white painted faces and eyes lined with large dark spikes were all the cues needed that these four boys were trouble.
“25 seconds left!” He yelled to his group behind him. Causing more laughter and cheers from the punks that followed.
They stopped at a tall unfinished building. Looking over the incomplete town they watched as the timer on the watch ticked down.
“3… 2… 1…” Plugging their ears they awaited for the building to explode.
But! Nothing happened?
He checks his watch again and 5 seconds have passed.
“What happened?” One of them ask.
“I don’t know I thi-“
Their eyes light up with excitement and cheer as the building opens up and wood flies into the sky. Immediately it leans and crashes into the ground.
They jump around laughing like hyenas who just caught a fresh meal. Butting heads and slamming on their chest like wild animals.
All until one of them noticed that the building next to it began to lean as well.
And the next one.
The collapses were getting closer and closer. Fear engulfed their clown painted faces. What was once laughter now screams when they ran.
The buildings behind them leaning and falling behind them. A trail of beautiful destruction threaten to take their bodies down with it, crashing and crying metal screamed louder as the buildings fell closer.
They ran fast, but their destruction ran faster. Crumbling walls no longer supported the roof they stood on.
They all screamed as they fell with the collapsed building.
Which was once a fun time turned deadly. Falling buildings continued like dominoes, crashing down to the ground below. Eventually the world fell silent.
No movement.
No sound.
No else to hear the buildings fall.