Submitted by Ur_local_weirdo

As they stepped into the arena, they could hear the crowd screaming in a language they could not understand...


(In the same universe as Evaporation)


Pippa groans as her hazy mind clears.

She opens her eyes, and expects to see something. Anything. Instead, darkness still.

Not all her senses are off. She can hear loud cheering, almost as if she were near a football game or something like that. Her fingers grasp around, and she finds that she is laying on a dirt floor.

Just as she gets herself to a stand, a rumbling vibrates the ground. Light comes streaming in from two very heavy doors being opened, blinding her for a quick moment.

The shouting is louder, but she can’t make out the words. She debates not going out but there doesn’t seem to be another exit, so out the door she goes.

First thing she realizes when she steps outside is that she isn’t outside. It’s some sort of indoor stadium. Bright spotlights hang above the area, and there is a visible barrier around the circle space.

Second thing she notices is the number of people in the stands. If she thought it was loud before, it is almost deafening once they saw her.

“Is everyone ready for a great show?!” It sounded like a wrestling announcer with a commanding, low voice.

“In this corner is Beacon, the light-based superhero that shines brighter than the sun!” The spotlight emphasizes her position. She panics for a brief moment but calms slightly that she is wearing her hero costume, mask still in place.

Once she takes in the rest of the announcement, her uneasiness skyrockets. Is she in a fighting ring? Like in Fight Club?

“And in the opposing corner is Reflection, the defensive vigilante that deflects more than my last girlfriend!” Pippa follows the light and sees her opponent for the first time.

The figure has striking white hair that almost shimmers from the exaggerated light. Crystal eyes that give her a death glare so sharp that it looks could kill, she would be dead. A mask that’s looks to be made of broken mirror shards adorns her face.

Armor covers her arms and legs made from shattered glass. From her admiration of the girl’s combat suit, Pippa nearly forgot she has to fight her.

That is until the announcer speaks again. “And now the battle you were all waiting for, Beacon vs Reflection!”

Immediately, Reflection conjures a shiny shield that she holds up in front of her body.

“I don’t want to fight you,” Pippa says, holding her hands up in front of her. “You clearly don’t understand what a fighting ring is. What did you think? We’d be braiding each other’s hair?” Reflection asks, sarcasm and annoyance evident.

The hand not holding the shield is thrown in her direction and mirror shards whip through the air. Pippa creates a light screen, the shards hitting and falling into the ground, harmless.

“Can we talk about this?!” Pippa yelps as she lunges to the side to dodge more shards.

She flicks her hand and a small ball of light flies to Reflection, but she doesn’t move at all. It bounces right off her armor. Shit.

With her opponent’s superior defensive skills, she knows she has to play this smart. She can’t use her light beams or usual offensive attacks.

“It appears that Reflection has the upper hand! Let’s see if Beacon can adapt or fail trying!” The announcer’s voice booms. She really begins to hate that guy.

She flies up to make avoid any physical combat.

Reflection’s eyes narrow at this. “You think I can’t get you up there?”

“We don’t have to fight,” Pippa suggests. That doesn’t seem to get through her head. The mirror pieces on the ground shake for a moment and then shoot at her command.

As she glides through the air, and they follow her. She groans because of course they do.

The audience appear to enjoy this chasing game as the screaming gets louder.

One particularly fast piece slices her arm. With first blood drawn, the crowd goes wild.

“First blood goes to Reflection! Will she overtake Beacon in the battle?” Pippa never has wished for a different power than right about now. Manipulating sound to shut him up would be nice. Or maybe teleportation to just leave.

Pippa blasts her light to the barrier, hoping to find a weak spot. The barrier flickers but remains, having absorbed her attack.

“How about we make this more interesting? What do you say?” The announcer questions, though Pippa knows it is rhetorical. The fight is getting boring with her not fighting back. Something is going to change it up.

“Welcome a third fighter, liquid manipulating villain, Water Craze!”

Pippa gasps and her smooth flight falters. He was here?

“Place your bets!”

From a third entrance that she didn’t even notice before, he staggers through. The watchers going nuts when they see him.

His head swings side to side, taking in his surroundings, but his gaze settles on her.

“Tink?” Confusion controlling his tone and facial expressions. He rolls to the side to dodge Reflection’s oncoming attacks.

“We’re in some sort of gladiator fight,” Pippa attempts to elucidate for him. At least with all the information she knew.

Reflection focuses her energy on her new opponent as mirror pieces are now aimed at Water Craze. A swirling whirlpool catch the attack, and they once again fall to the ground.

Pippa lands next to him just as Reflection directs another bunch of shattered glass his way. “If we want to get out of here, we may have to work together,” she says as she conjures a shield for both of them.

“Wow, Tink, don’t sound so excited at the prospect of working with me,” he teases.

“We were kidnapped and trapped in a fighting ring and yet you want to joke with me right now?” She deadpans, glaring at him.

“With you? Always.”

Her unimpressed look continues until he sighs. “Fine, truce until we get out of here.”

“Ok, let’s do this.”

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