Happy Birthday

I blew out the candles with a ferocious whoosh - wishing for peace and prosperity for everyone I knew. It was the same wish I’d think of every birthday since I was young. My 26th birthday would be no different. Everyone around me clapped and cheered, and dad began to cut the cake for us. I worried that the neighbors might complain about the noise but figured it was just one time a year and might be okay.

Looking around, I smiled faintly in contented peace. My parents, my grandparents, my best friend, my acquaintances - all were able to gather on this day, for me. My apartment was small and most days quite empty, but today it was filled with love and celebration. I was grateful. These people would not always be in my life, but they were here now, and I was happy for the present moment.

These were my thoughts as my father placed my piece of cake in front of me. My favorite - strawberries and cream with a chocolate glaze. Everyone waited for me to take the first bite before they dug into theirs, making me feel appreciated.

The presents came next. So many nice things! So much of what I asked for. Presents never got old, no matter what year you were celebrating. Realizing that somebody thought about you was priceless. My favorite gift this year was a journal, rather large, with gilded bindings. My mother took a picture of me holding it, smiling widely.

Later that day, I dropped off the film to be developed at the one-hour photo. When I picked up the envelope, I couldn’t wait to get home to look at the pictures. I tore it open and flipped through them all in the store, smiling again - reflecting on another great birthday.

“Are you posing for something, an acting role?” The clerk behind the counter asked.

“Excuse me?”

“It’s just … sorry, I don’t mean to be awkward. You’re the only one in each of those photos. I thought you were maybe practicing emotions or something like that.”

“Yeah, something like that,” I scowled, tucking the photos in my coat. My family was waiting back at home, anyway.

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