Write a poem in a different genre to your usual comfort zone.

This poem can be in any style and with any theme, but try to write in a genre that you wouldn't normally try.

A Few Clerihew’s for Yous

Ah, Christian Bale

your protrayals are never stale.

You act with precision,

you’re a casting director’s best decision!

Buffy Summers,

a fictional hero above all others.

You go girl, you kill, you slay

and your best frend’s vampire doppleganger once made her say “I think I’m kinda gay.”

Spike, one word- one syllable,

to Buffy you were unkillable.

Unlike Angel, cursed because he was an a-hole

you went out, for love, and earned back your soul.

Banksy, unknown artist

of all your pieces which one is the smartest?

Some say none, others disagree,

but not me, I’m a fan, I devotee.

Edgar Allan Poe

the darkest stories within you did grow.

Then your demons destroyed you, no more words left to utter

You were found, pre-death, drunk in a gutter.

Bitsy, my cat,

you are beautiful and fat.

I love you the most, on that I will never back-track-

And I’m grateful everyday that you love me right back.

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