
Everything was prepared and ready. It would happen tonight at midnight. All day I have been on edge; it seemed as if all eyes were watching me. It was as if everyone knew, knew the dark deed I was plotting to attempt. Paranoia set in. I was found out!

Day turned to night, and 11:30 finally arrived. I could feel my heart beating in my chest as I got everything ready. I followed the instructions to the letter. As it turns out, all you have to do is search ‘how to summon the devil’ and boom: thousands of articles and instructions will tell you how to do just that. You can find anything on the internet.

It was time. I began the process, following the instructions I had printed out. I’d memorized it all, but I kept them printed out and in my hands in case I forgot the next step. I could feel my heart beating, faster and faster, excitement or fear I couldn’t tell which.

Smoke, dark and billowy, filled the room. It smelled of bad eggs. Sulfur. In the clouds of smoke lightning flashed. Thunder echoed in the room, each crack causing me to jump in fear. More and more smoke filled the room until it was impossible to see. Still I pressed on, reciting the incantation over the thunderous din. One final mighty clap of thunder, and the smoke vanished. A bolt of lighting struck the center of the room and I was thrown back. Gingerly I stood up, then froze. Sitting at the kitchen table was…me. I watched my doppelgänger as it stared at me, studying me. I could feel its eyes bore into my soul, learning my deepest and darkest secrets.

The doppelgänger motioned for me to come to the table, and I stiffly walked over, sitting opposite to where it was sitting. It matched me exactly, including the clothes. I wore black jeans and a black long sleeve shirt. So did it. The doppelgänger looked around, studying the room, then glanced at me “Do you have anything to eat?” It asked. It’s voice was soft, gentle, and it sounded just like me.

I cleared my throat. “What would you like?” I asked. Despite my heart beating so fast i was afraid it would burst in my chest, I was not afraid. Something about the creature soothed me, put me at ease. The doppelgänger stood up and went to the kitchen. It started moving around as it prepared something to eat. It knew where everything was.

“Would you like something?” It asked. I shook my head and murmured in the negative. The doppelgänger continued preparing its meal while I stared at the back of my own head, unable to really process what was going on.

The doppelgänger returned to the table with a plate on which sat a pb&j sandwich, a glass of water, and a napkin. It sat down and began to eat. “You-“ I start, but stop when it glances up at me. “You’re the devil?” I ask. One last bite, and the doppelgänger leaned back in its chair, wiping away the crumbs with the napkin. It chuckled, bemused.

“Yes,” it replied. Now I leaned back in my chair. The devil noticed. “Were you expecting a giant red beast with horns and cloven hooves?” He asked, chuckling. I just stare at him and he leans forward. “Why did you summon me?”

“I wanted to ask something from you,” I reply. The devil says nothing so I take a deep breath and ask: “ I wanted to ask if you could-“ I trail off, suddenly finding myself tongue tied.

“You wanted to ask if I would bring your father back,” the devil says. I nod and he stands up, going to the window. He stares out into the city, but I can see him looking at me through the window reflection. Watching me.

“I have been around since before creation, and I have been summoned by evil men and women since you could speak. Countless times I have been asked for fame, fortune. Power. But this,” he turns to me. “This is a first.”

The devil starts walking towards me, and as he walks towards me he starts to change, shifting into something else that both looks like me and doesn’t. “I can see into your soul. I know you. Yours is a pure soul, a desperate, lonely, sad soul. I can see it in your eyes, your sadness surrounds you, but you remain: you are a good person. I should not dare defile a soul such as yours.”

I stare at him, this strange being that is shifting before my eyes. I can’t believe what I’m hearing. “So you won’t do it?” I ask, crestfallen. Tears are starting to form as I look down at my hands, which shake. I hear something and then the devil is kneeling in front of me, lifting my chin up. I look into his eyes as he wipes a tear away. He looks sad. “I will, but only for a short time. Then he must come back.”

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