Write a short story including two characters from vastly different backgrounds.
You don't need to write their entire backstory, but try to image how it would affect their behaviour.
Lord McKenna’s Weekly Inspections
“These markets disgust me, an unfortunate byproduct of the empires society.” Mckenna thought to himself.
Now in his 30’s a former lion, fangs now dulled from the easy life of lordship in a small township. This far southeast the only sources of income a town is able to bring in is fishing, lumber and working with the slave traders of Vargra, despite being at war with them trade is still booming.
Sowin is considered very progressive when it comes to slave rights and treatment. All thanks to the efforts of Lord McKenna. The biggest representation of their progressiveness is the trade hall where the buying and selling of half starved and worked to the bone men, women and children’s is highly regulated and protective of life.
“Rats disguised as men these traders are, selling other poor souls for what? Revenge on the enemies of the old kingdoms? Their ancestors were on the wrong side of a war fought hundreds of years ago. No, this is for profit making money off of perceived lesser men. I hate these visits, but I am the lord of these lands. I can not directly change rules as old as this country, but I can make life for these poor souls as easy as I am permitted to and then some if the gods are willing.” He continued. His eyes down, half lost in thought, half in shame as he and his elected inspector entered the large hall.
In stark contrast to a typical slave market, Sowin’s burch wood and stone hall was well kept and clean, resembling more of a show room then a place where such atrocities were committed.
“Donald have you check the condition of these people came in with? They look half dead and the children number 4 to every 1 man. Where on earth did they get these people?” Mckenna let’s out looking towards the short, plump, Dovar man who wore a fine silk jacket over a fresh white blouse and a red pantaloon studded down the side. The only hair he had was thick sideburns that were braided and decorated in a traditional Dovar style.
“What people? Oh! These slave you mean my Lord. Yes I have noticed quite a lack of quality, but no worries I have already handed them a fine for the poor condition they are in, and had the medics sent around before opening to give them a looking to!” Donald smiles enthusiastically looking toward McKenna as if expecting to be praised. Pale marbled eyes looking expectingly.
“Well done Donald.” McKenna finally said, Though the Dovar race are extremely blunt and naive they are dedicated to their craft and take pride in whatever their work is. Typically, they are born with the natural ability for craft and inventing, but ever since the stone folk were accepted into their society some have lost their gifts. Donald is one of those born without the gift, he would’ve ended up like his brethren out on the streets begging for scraps. Donald however, is a hard worker and kind to everyone he meets so the town saw it fit to elect him head of this grim task, and he excels thankfully.
“And as to where their from, there was a remote village at the northern most boarder of Vargra at the foot of the mountains. The village is special by the fact that they are more Tora culturally influenced then their home country in that they take in all refugees and travellers and are known to have many brothels that cater to any of your desires.” Donald said with a smile and hardy chuckle.
“These slaves were taken from orphanages and the poor as tribute to the kingdom of Vargra.They were... how should I say... half breeds like the stone folk, but they are children and young adults of all racial backgrounds.” He continued.
“I’m sorry my love, you would hate this if you were still here. Tell me that I could do and should do more. We both joined the Lo’TorVar to bring down this cruel and oppressive kingdom that my father ruled. You were so passionate, would’ve marched in here and freed all these people from their chains not continue to allow them to be bought and sold like objects. I’m sorry my love I’ve failed you.” Mckenna thought to himself, clenching his jaws in rage, but pauses closed his eyes and took a breath trying not to show his displeasure on his face.
“Let’s get this inspection done Donald.” Mckenna said as he began to stride down the first isle of stages and traders followed closely by Donald.
Though embarrassed at the site of such a cold and evil business, McKenna made a point to look in the eyes of every poor soul that was sold in the market, every new poor soul for the last 10 years. It destroyed him inside, but he refused to hide from the cruel truth of his failures as a Prince.
They continued like this up and down a few rows of the markets, Donald telling McKenna the names of each slave that they passed. Finally they come across Draken a brothel owner from the town over in Harrow the closest thing to a city this far south of the Lowlands. He is also known to be breaking into the gladiator games that are popular up north in the Empire proper. Draken had grown the reputation of being particularly wicked to his slaves, as well having a particular taste for young half-breeds.
He was standing in front of a trader just opening shop, looking to be inquiring about two young children the trader was chaining up. The two look to share similar features, darker skinned but closer to olive tones then black with curly unkempt light brown hair.
“Greetings Draken, you are here quite early.” McKenna let out failing to hide displeasure.
“My Lord” Draken replies with a bow.
“Of course I am early, get the best choice of stock.” He continued with a wicked smile.
Something begins to vibrate in McKenna’s breast pocket as they get closer to the two slave children.
“Unfortunately I have my eye on these two, would you be so kind as to remove your bid on these two I’m sure you can find some other poor souls to procure.” Mckenna suddenly let out in a demanding tone. Eyeing the bloated, sweaty, pig-nosed man who squirmed under McKenna’s gaze as he towered over him.
“My Lord I never imagined you were the type to keep slaves. You are here every week, yet not once have I witness you take part. Why are you so interested in these two?” Gesturing toward the two children the smaller boy hiding behind his sister peering over her shoulder. The girl’s eyes were a pale marbled white with specks of auburn, the boy’s eyes a golden colour tinged with red.
“I simply have been waiting till I found what I want, and these two happen to be the exactly that.” McKenna snapped back.
Draken went to reply his face contorted fighting back the anger. “I only want the girl my Lord surely we can work something out.”
McKenna stepped in closer to Draken hand on the hilt of his blade, attempting to call him on his bluff. Draken jumps back now visually scared “of... course my Lord, a mere merchant as myself would never wish to deny his grace what he desires.”
“Good, you trader, how much are the pair?” McKenna says pointing at the slave trader, who jumped out of the trance he was from watching the two men before him go at it.
“For you my Lord, 150 each.” His grin revealing gold canines.
“Fine, Donald pay this man, and after take them back have them bathed, fed, and clothed I will return later this evening to take them with me on my return home once I have attended to other matters.” Lord McKenna said in a reserved tone.
“Of course my Lord, I will have it arranged.” Donald said with a bow. Then turned to the twins “come along now let’s get you cleaned up.” with a smile.
The pair took each of the short Dovar man’s hand, and followed him off to a side room for processing. McKenna continued his grim work on his own.