Write a short description of a character, focused on texture.

With physical features like clothing, skin, hair etc, and metaphorical descriptions of voice, language, actions etc - hone in on texture when describing this character.

out of the blue

i’ve never reacted this way, to one of these kinds of creatures before. i mean, a Black female?! i swear, in all of my thirty years, i can honestly say i’ve never felt this way.

Brad’s form fitting, tailored blue suit, was bulging at the seems. he discreetly adjusted himself, successfully, without gaining the attention of other patrons in the coffee shop.

he adjusted his combover, just so, in order to wipe the beads of sweat glaring on his forehead. he cleared his throat, gently, as to not bring too much attention to himself.

get control of yourself, man. Brad thought to himself as he adjusted the sleeves of his perfectly tailored suit jacket.

he ordered a grande cinnamon dolce late, hot. his usual. but when he stepped over to the counter where the drinks were being served, he kept finding himself searching for reasons not to turn around. he just couldn’t resist, he just HAD to get another glance at this stunning creature.

he scanned the room quickly, looking for someone else to divert his attention, to distract him. he saw no one, until the homely woman in front of him received her drink and slowly walked away.

and there she was: she was his usual type, long blonde hair, stunning blue eyes. 5” 3’, 140 pounds and thick in all the right places. her smile, too, was priceless.

he looked on as she joked with her co-workers while elegantly floating across her station: pouring espresso shots, heating the milk, adding in the syrup, pouring the milk, popping on the top, sleeve, and finally stopper. again and again. it was something about her aura that called to him.

how could doing something so simple, look and feel this good? Brad thought to himself.

she had such a way about her. in the few moments he watched her, their life flashed before his eyes. from the flirtatious dates, to making her his wife, to building a family and a life together. he could picture it all.

just as he was about to get her attention in order to make his move, the creature, the Black woman, walked up to the counter to retrieve her drink.

he barely caught a glimpse of her face, but he could tell she was stunning. her chocolate, clear brown skin, her wavy tresses, and firecracker red lipstick drew his attention away again.

she wore a beige slacks, fitted, in all the right places, a ruffled white blouse, a long cinnamon double breasted classic trench coat, and beige and white pumps to match. she was a force to be reckoned with! her presence was simply too enamoring to be able to ignore.

Brad simply couldn’t resist.

thoughts of the life he could have had with the barista, slipped away as he followed the Black woman outside.

the Black woman smiled confidently, knowing she had been successful.

today, she, was the predator, on her way to securing her prey.

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