Submitted by flish
I looked at my friend, but he wasn’t there anymore. In his place was someone who looked like him - yet it wasn’t him.
It looked exactly like Nathan apart from the mole just under his left eye. He had always said that he wanted to get it surgically removed, I thought that was a bit extreme, it was a tiny thing. It was something you wouldn’t have noticed but I did because I saw it every day since we had started school together.
“Who are you and where’s Nathan?" I asked, my voice trembling.
Whoever, whatever this imposter was, they clearly didn’t think I deserved an answer.
I tried again "Are you even listening to me! I asked you where Nathan is!"
At that moment a van pulled up in the road behind me. I’m not sure what colour the van was, it came up so fast that I couldn’t see it before a man pressed a handkerchief to my face. As I breathed in the chloroform my eyes began to dim and I was vaguely aware of being lifted into the back of the truck.
I woke up in a pitch black room. The only light was coming from a small gap under the door. I could hear voices talking in an odd language on the other side of the door. I head rustling in the corner. I obviously wasn’t alone in the room.
“Who’s there!” I shouted into the darkness.
“Connor?” responded a quiet voice.
“Nath! Nathan is that you?”
“Yeah” said Connor.
“Nath do you have any idea where we are?!” I asked my friend.
“No but I did hear them talking earlier. They were saying that because you didn’t believe the replica was me they took you. I don’t really understand what they meant though.”
“That’s okay, I think I do.” I muttered. “So do you think they’re just gonna do the same thing as they’ve done with us with everyone that doesn’t believe the replica?”.
“Yeah. That means all our friends, our parents, everyone will end up off the streets and replaced.”