The story of the forget full boy

In a small house lived a boy named Troy. He was only 8 years old and he was very forgetful. He lived with his mom,dad and a loving small sister. One day Troy’s mom told him to get half a Kg of fish from the new fish shop that had opened. The fish shops name was Marine House. It also sold sea food. It was a long walk from his house but he thought it would give him some exercise and he could get himself a treat. he told his mom ‘okay’ and he put on his shoes took the money and went. On the way he heard some people fighting over what curtains they should put in the living room. Troy decided to help them out. After he was done he went home and his mom asked him ‘where’s is the fish’ he said ‘did you tell me to get fish’? His mom told him again what he had to get and he went again when he was going there he heard some children fighting on wheaten they should play hide and seek or tag. He again decided to help them and after he was done he went to the shop. When the fishmonger asked him what he wanted he forgot. So he went back home and his mom asked him ‘where’s the fish’ He suddenly remembered what he had to get and went back to the shop but in the way he heard some teenagers fighting over which marvel character was better so he again decided to help them. It was getting late so he went back home. This time he did not have the fish and his mother was very angry she said ‘can’t you get it right you have to get fish, now go get it and do not come back until you have it’. This time Troy took it with him written on the paper when he reached the shop the fishmonger said ‘do you know what you want now’? He said yes and put his hand in the pocket but he had lost the paper and he remembered what his mom had said do not come back until you get the ...... he couldn’t remember after that so he went searching for the paper and when he found it he was very happy and went to the shop and gave the appertains the fishmonger and he replied ‘sorry we are currently out of fish and we are closing. When he went back home he told his mom what the fishmonger had told him. That day the whole family had to eat the food that was left over from last night. Never after that day Troy’s mom told him to get anything. He learnt his lesson. But now he never had to go and get something.

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