The Man

As I place on my helmet and put on my rain coat I deal a small shiver up my spine. I tell myself it is just because I am cold but deep down inside I know that something is going on. As I am passing the traffic lights my bike suddenly slips and I fall to the ground. An old man offers to help me up but I say I am fine and I go on my way. I stop at the park and check my phone to see what my mum wants me to get her from the shop. I think it must be important because she stopped me doing my homework wich she always wants me to do. To my surprise she only wants toothpaste. Who would stop their child’s education just so they had toothpaste wich she would only use before bed. I arrive at the shop and while I am trying to find the right isle I see the man that offered to help me up. I was wondering how he got to the shops so quick. He was walking and I was riding and he still beat me. Not that it was a race. I am at the check out and I see the man. He is at one of the check outs where someone does it for you. As I am waiting in the line I can’t help but stare at the man when he takes one of his hands out of his pockets to pay I see claws instead of a hand. The claws quickly turn in normal hands and he pays for his groceries. I finish at the checkout and see that the man is waiting outside for someone or something. I don’t want to be seen by the main so I sneak behind the man out onto the street. I feel much better now and heading home. I think I now know what the shiver was trying to tell me. 3 hours past and I am lying on my bed waiting to fall asleep. I close my eyes and see the man transform into a grim reaper. I open my eyes and close them again this time I see the main transform in to a beautiful young boy. Then I see this terrifying monster turn into the man. I realise that what I saw today was a monster that could shape shift. I hear my alarm and wake up. I ask my mum if I went to the shops yesturday she says no and says it must of been a dream

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