
If only I put my phone down.

To stop and turn left.

To view upon the entire axis I ignore.

A moment away from the blue light that haunts my retinas,

To give it that same ocean colored light, from a different sized square.

Or to handle the wheel of an automobile,

yet many dont’t put that screen down for that,

And look where they are.

To stare at those with wrinkles,

my attention bringing them delight,

and the rectangle I hold so often being placed down bringing them, even more pleasure.

Perhaps there’s grass, that should be touched,

Instead of a electronic rectangle.

I wouldn’t know about that, and continue grazing the delicate screen of LED.

Yet, I won’t.

In the generation of free will and overexplored topics, I will continue, to be held hostage to a screen.

Millennia from now, the option to turn left or right from them won’t even be here.

When the sun turns into a monitor

and the moon becomes

a power button.

We hold these rectangles, or squares tight to us like new borns.

Nursing them near our chests but never giving them a breast, just a charging outlet.

If only I could put my phone down, yet it seems, it’s all I have.

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