'I have forgotten.'

Write a story with this as the final line of dialogue.


I lived over twenty years of my life before you. It was a good, full life. I laughed and I cried before you, I accomplished great things and I failed miserably before you, I was loved and I was heartbroken before you. I lived a lot of life before you. But somehow in the moment of meeting you, I couldn’t remember a single thing about that life.

The first time I looked into your dark eyes and held you in my arms, I knew my life would forever be defined by that moment. In the timeline of my life, events would now be categorized as “before you” and “with you”. You crashed into my world and conquered my heart instantaneously. Nothing else mattered except knowing and loving you.

But life on this earth is fleeting, and we never know how much of it we get to live. There may come a day when I have to add the category of “after you” to my timeline. On that day, my heart will break into a million pieces, each one holding a precious memory of you. Events in the “after you” will remind me of events in the “with you”. I will wish to trade everything to go back and have another moment with you, only to be denied by reality.

But today, we are still in the “with you” so I will hold onto it tightly. I will be thankful for every moment. I will cherish the new laughs and new tears with you. I will appreciate the new accomplishments and new failures with you. I will learn from the new loves and the new heartbreaks with you. So much so, that when someone asks what life was like in the twenty or so years before you, I can say, “I have forgotten.”

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