Hello! Yes You!

Hello! Yes you! I see that you are even more skeptical then I am. Which is a bit strange because I am you. Don’t roll your eyes and don’t put this down. I am you.. or I am the you in a different universe. We are the same, yet different, and yet the same danger seems to befall us. You luckily have not been visited yet; which is good. There is still time to save yourself and the ones you love.

Don’t answer that. Don’t telll anyone about this. Ugh, how do I make you (me) believe?

We were born on May 15, 2025 in Cedar Rapids Iowa. Our parents met in High School, and we came along shortly after graduation….

Yes, I know, anyone can easily find this information out. I’m just setting the stage…

I told you not to answer the door. You can’t trust anyone. It’s only a matter of time till…. The visitor comes and all hope or saving you and your family is lost.

Where we as I… oh yes. We are the first born of Betty and Donald West. In my universe we have 3 younger brothers. Yes, I know this is where things are a bit different. In my world Jim doesn’t die. I’m Sorry. I know that was so hard for you. We can discuss that later and if you want I can tell you about my Jim. Your dad works for the power company and you all live on a small farm just outside the city. Ok fine, I’ll get to the part that makes us special that no one knows about except US. We can sense when things are about to happen. We get flashes of images, we get goose bumps and sometimes it feels like we aren’t inside our bodies anymore. Do you remember the first time this happened? We were only 5 years old…

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