Submitted by Myra Herrington
"Just one beggar telling another beggar where to find bread."
Write a story or poem which contains this line.
Enslaved to the dirt
From the moment of birth.
Do we only live to die
And unite with the earth?
A spec on the canvas.
A fraction of infinity.
What’s the point to all this
When it ends so quickly?
We wander this world,
With a hole in our chest.
Can we pack this infinite void
With the things we love best?
Once we think we’re more full than others
We pride ourselves to help the ill fed.
But aren’t we just beggars
Telling beggars where to find bread?
When the things of this world have sliped away
It’s apparent how much deeper a hole we made.
We may have helped others along the way,
But we’ve all fallen further from the truth we crave.
In a life so miniscule
Where possessions are king,
Is there any hope
In finding eternity?
In our endless search for things that remain
We’ve found our property only disintegrates.
How can we find what truly sustains
When all reality has been reduced to a game?
But In this circus of beggars
The Truth did descend.
Perfect love made flesh
To take upon all our sin.
As the living bread he appeared to us
A hope that outlasts this ball of dust.
How can we know this Jesus
When he’s less tangible than our stuff?
Little did we know
When we just open our eyes
We see pieces of him
All throughout our lives.
But in the end the choice is ours
To take the living bread or bread that devours.
Will we beggars accept the promise
That our Lord has been crucified to give us?
Even if you choose the former
Your life doesn’t become a jovial story.
There’s a raging battle for your heart
A never ending storm of temptation to fight.
In the times we think we’re alone
His victory is already set in stone.
Will we decide to wake from this fantasy
Or let the sacred raisen cake divide our morality?
We are all beggars
Looking for bread.
Will we find it above
Or within ourselves?