"Everybody wants to judge, but nobody wants to listen."
Write about a character who is going through a typically stigmatised situation. As an added challenge, try to write from the perspective of the opposite gender to yourself.
Just listen!!
Dad, I feel like Mom isn’t listening to anything I’m saying! She just literally said, “Sam, Sam, Sam! I cannot listen to you right now. I’m trying to get us packed and on the road in ten minutes. I love you, and I’m going to have to listen to what you’re saying in the car. Go get in the car now!”
What am I supposed to do when Charlie is getting a jerk and Mom won’t listen to me???!!!! Gah. It’s making me not want to go on this trip. Well… that’s not true. I do want to see the Grand Canyon, but it’s hurting me that you’re not here to help me translate with Mom and Charlie. Also, WE NEED YOU TO COME WITH US. This stinks. Nobody listens.