A Guide for my Writings


I have a main few series of stories in the app, and I just wanted to organize myself and lay it out here! I’ll include little blurbs about each of them. This is mostly for me, but feel free to let me know which one sounds the most interesting to you or you have enjoyed reading if you have.

**More Than Blood**

This revolves around 6 royal siblings of the Allaver Kingdom. Cove, Della, Kent, Hale, Amerie, and Spade are the heirs to the throne. When an unknown army forces them out of their home, they must flee in different directions to ensure the most beneficial outcome for the kingdom, that one or more of the children survive to take the throne.

The main chronological story are signified by the More Than Blood title with a (Part _). I stopped writing in chronological order but I still occasionally write in that world. I don’t have any other distinction for the rest of them. Most recent was How to Heal a Broken Heart.

**Soulmate Stories**

In this world, people are born with powers and soulmates. When you have physical contact with your soulmate for the first time, you temporarily lose your powers. Once you kiss your soulmate, you regain your powers. It feels like all that matters to some people are soulmates, but for Bell and Cross, never having powers and appearing soulmateless, it could not matter a single bit.

Main characters (there’s a lot)- Bell, Cross, Roman, Jeremiah, Ria, Amelie, Lou, Jones, and sometimes Marta.

A big thank you for people who created these characters! Skye created Amelie. AJ Kit created Lou and gave me the idea for Jones. Pidge created Roman, Jeremiah, and Ria.

These titles used to have the world Soulmate in them somewhere but I know have the titles and then following it was (Soulmate Story).


Pippa is a teenage superhero. During the day, she is a shy, normal high schooler. After, she is Beacon, the light-based heroine. She has to deal with typical high school problems while also saving her town. Add in a boy and a handsome rival, and things just got complicated.

I really have no way to identify these stories 😂. A lot of them end in ‘tion’. The first one is called Beacon of Light. The most recent story is titled Protection.

**Experimented Kids**

A sickness plagued the world and so many children died. A scientist with a dying daughter took matters in his own hands and took kids that recovered to see why they survived. The experiments caused them forget their names and gave them extraordinary abilities. Now they are just subjects to Dr. Marken. Subject Tennessee, or Ness, begins to lose hope with her follow prisoners Subject Texas, Tex, and Subject Rhode Island, Landen. Then Subject Pennsylvania, Penny, gives them a breath of fresh air and new hope.

I also really have no distinction of these stories. Forgotten Debris** **was the real first story in this world. And the latest one is the Joyous Escape.


It is tough being a witch in a witch hating world. Nova is sisters to Haze, a witch. They have survived on their own, dodging guards, their entire lives. When a young desperate knight, Ward, stumbles upon them with the information that the princess is dying, Nova and Haze know they can clear the witch’s name. For good.

Any title with the word ‘trust’ in it is usually in this series. Trust Fall was the first one. And the most recent one was titled Trusted.

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