by Annie Spratt @ Unsplash

Write a story where an important scene takes place in an outdoor play area.
Back Then
My dragon’s purple scales shine brightly in the sun as we fly higher and higher, but not as high as Flanders’s blue dragon. The swing thumped hard on the ground, uh-oh we prepare for a bumpy landing.
We jump from the swing, tuck and roll dramatically. We yell playful groans and screams. We hop the fence to the elven forest where we meet Lizard and Toad. They put shimmering elven cloaks on our backs as we gracefully walk through the trees. Oh no orcs, time to run!
We make it to the dirt road. Uneven and littered with rocks and puddles. We hear a thud and look down to see water ripple in a dinosaur foot shaped puddle. Smashly and I look to each other with big eyes and take off running to mermaid cove. We look back and scream as we pump our legs harder and harder. Jump now!
Splash, we sink to the bottom of the cove, holding our breath and opening our eyes to see through our swirling hair. A mermaids paradise of colors, sea caverns and fish. We swim, dive and propel through the water. We zoom round and round the whirl pool. Suddenly, everyone get out of the water, sharks!
We run, our fins turned to legs, our three airplanes parked on the beach. Still dripping wet we sit in the swings and pump our legs. Up up up! We are flying higher now, the swingset jumps hard. That’s our cue, it’s time for Smashly, Flanders and Ness (that’s me) to parachute from our planes. One-two-three jump!
We laugh as we all hit the ground and the swingset thumps hard back to the ground. The swings yank wildly behind us as we walk, almost dry now, to the house. Our magic run out we are hungry and tired. Time for pizza and a Disney movie.
Full bellies lay flat on the carpet, the VHS plays, and the swings outside are still.