The umbrella man

the story im about to tell you is somthing i thought only happened in the movies or campfire storys. never did i think this would be happeneing to my friends and i in my own basment. it was a normal nigth when they came over for a sleep over and we where doing our normal things, when out of nowhere the tv turned on. we just thought one of us had hit the remote and started looking for it. when abby had found it sitting on the tv stand which none of us where by. that was a little freky but we just played it off and contiued talking when it turned on again and started playing somthing, that is when we started to freek aout a little bit more. i decided to take the batterys out, beacuse when you take the batterys out of somthing it shouldnt work. 5 minuts later the tv turns on again and the volume gose up. at this point i had enough and shut all the doors and movied the remote far from the tv. we all decided to sit on the coutches and talk. it was anna,ellie,and i on the coutch and abby on the chair acrost from us. everything was normal untell the lights went off and we herd aloud bang. when the ligths turned back on nothing seamed out of place or knocked down but there was this black umbrella sittingin the corner of the room. it wasnt mine or the other so we kept wondering where it had came from. the ligths had tured off again and started to flicker when all of a sudden i saw a tall white figure wherearing black was standing next to abby. when the lights had turned back on he was gone and everything seamed normal tell my dog kc started barking at abby and staring hard at her. she kept trying to tell him that everything was okay and that it was just her but i knew that the figure i had seen by here was now possesing her. when i had made a joke about it seeing what she would do she just laughed it off then dead stared ant me and started singing the creepyest song ever. it freeked all of us out and we started to tell her to stop but she wouldnt. the ligths started to flicker agin and i saw the same shadowy figure exit her and headed for us but when i shined my phone light into it, it screamed and ran for the umbrella. the lights turned back on and he vanished along with the umbrella and he was never to be seen again. this is somthing tha has been hard for me to tell beacuse i still live in that house and never know when he is going to come back or if he is still in one of my friends. safe to say we never have had a sleep over here again.

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