Working In Corrections Can Be Chaotic 

I work in corrections because I feel that God has led me to be a positive spiritual influence in that setting. I demonstrate my faith through my actions and strive to stay true to my values. I am committed and enthusiastic about my job, finding happiness and satisfaction in it. In times of adversity, I turn to my faith to help me stay calm and defuse difficult situations. I am thankful for my job and the chance to have a positive impact. Without the strength from God, I wouldn't be able to succeed in this field. One must have a calling to do what I do, otherwise the inmates in the correctional system will overpower you.

I work in a chaotic environment where individuals have been sent to prison for different reasons related to their personal lives, families, emotions, goals, and legal issues. Some inmates have committed serious crimes like murder, robbery, drug trafficking, and organized crime. Despite the chaos, I see how faith can bring a sense of order and lead to the redemption of souls. This spiritual transformation is a powerful reminder of God's ultimate control.

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