
Adeline walked carefully over the wooden planks. They were remains from the buildings that once stood here, but now covered the dusty ground. The planks were like dominoes, one wrong move and they would come crashing down on top of eachother, alerting everything to her presence. Dusk was approaching, casting an orange light upon the dust in the air. She clutched Lilith’s hand. Adeline couldn’t lose her. She’d never forgive herself. Lilith would die out here all alone. They kept walking, flinching at every small noise. Anything could be a monster, vicious and ready to attack. They tried to be careful, but it wasn’t long before something went wrong. Lilith tripped over a piece of wood, falling in a pile of it. Each plank banged against each-other, echoing through the streets. They froze, not daring to make a sound. But then they heard something approaching. Many footsteps, light and delicate. A soft growl came from the shadows. A pack.

“Quick” Adeline mouthed at Lilith. She scrambled to her feet.

SNAP. Adeline looked around and spotted it— a wolf. Its teeth were set in a snarl. It had matted dirty fur with ribs poking out on the sides. 5 others came out of the shadows, all growling. Adeline grabbed a knife from her bag and threw it at one of the wolves. It winced in pain. But that wouldn’t be enough to stop them. They had no choice.

Adeline lurched towards Lilith, grabbing her hand once again.


They ran for their lives. The only way they managed to outrun the wolves was by dodging around corners and swerving behind the old remains of houses. The sun was setting across the sky. Dusk had come to save them.

Adeline pulled Lilith into an abandoned house and they hid a corner, shivering.

Soon the darkness shrouded them, hiding them from the hungry gazes of their predators.

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