In the Woods

"I've never met anyone like you before!" she exclaimed, her eyes were wide, mouth opened in astonishment.

"You should be greatful for that," he grumbled in response, turning away from the overly excited girl. How annoying. He rolled his eyes as she slowly inched closer to him.

"What else can you do? Any other special tricks? C'mon, tell me! Show me! Augh- Whatever! Just do it already!"

"No, I already-" but he couldn't argue with the pleading look in her eyes. With a groan of frustration, he moved to pull out another knife, doing some weird knife tricks, before throwing it backwards, directly into another target he was suooosed to hit. "I don't miss. See."

She was clapping. Obnoxiously. He didn't even think it was that cool. Not as cool as she was making it out to be, at least. "Do it again! Or something else! Or something cooler!" She shrugged. "...I dunno! But still! Do something cool."

A huge, shit-eating grin was on her face. He hated it. She was definitely lucky she was cute. With another knife trick, before throwing at it's mark.

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