Toilet Paper Poop

In my country, pranking on April fools isn’t really popular. In fact, almost nobody celebrates April Fools.

On that day, as I was surfing YouTube, I noticed there were a lot of April Fools videos and videos on how to do pranks. Having been inspired by the videos, I excitedly decided to prank my parents.

I put salt on their toothbrushes and made a fake poop using a brown toilet paper cardboard roll by wetting it and crumpling it into a shape of a poop.

My (boring) prank preparations were complete and I waited for my parents to come home. Unfortunately, they were going to come home late and it was already past bedtime. However, I still wanted to see their reactions and I was so sure that it was going to be funny.

I pretended to sleep and waited for them to come home.

Finally they are back from work! My had just entered our room, which, by the way, we all shared, and is connected to the bathroom where I prepared my pranks. I already began giggling inside my blanket.
