Submitted by Petit-Mythe

Write a short dystopian story about a world trying to be perfect, but one person hasn’t been brainwashed like the rest.

The Different One

Perfection is everyone’s dream, what will happen if that really come true.

I see people are painting their house, half day past by, they didn’t even start the work, just opened the paint can with exactly the shape of circle… I already painted my house, with the same steps.

I walk on the street, one person is sweeping the ground, he is very specific about very leaf and dust, that he must see no other things, other than the sunshine and the ground… I sweeped my ground, it’s fine to have a little leave and dust.

I help a man to fix the hose, he carefully cut off a piece of tape, exactly a rectangle shape, round it up with exact match… If I was him, I’d simply do the steps.

The world of perfect is crazy, I don’t know how perfect affects people’s lives path, but one thing for sure, It will drag us back rather than forward.

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