Spooky Pumpkin

For A Week In The Beginning Of October, All Of Students In My Sons Art Class Had To Bring A Pumpkin To School To Start Individually Creating And Carving Out Spooky Pumpkins

By The End Of The Week, Us Parents Were Allow To Come And View All Carved Out Pumpkins On Display In The Art Class

There Were Quite A Few Creepy Pumpkins On Display Designed By The Kids.

My Son Received The Goriest Pumpkin Award For His Pumpkin And He Was Supposed To Leave It On Display For The Entire School To See

Instead He Brought It Home And Put It Front The Door To Scare The Trick Or Treaters

That Night I Watched My Front Camera As Each Trick Or Treater Hesitated To Walk Up To The Door And Ask For Candy

I Can Say That My Sons Pumpkin Really Succeeded In Putting Fear In Those

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