The Cackle

My heart raced as I slid under giant, fallen trees, and jumped over plots of murky water.

I had to be fast, for if I wasn’t, someone would tell the Elvders before me. And that, my lady’s and gents, would be bad.

I was feet away when the horn sounded.

“Shit,” I whispered aloud, sounding my own, but smaller, horn. Causing the enemy attack horn to change to the squeaky accident one.

Then I was there, outside the Elvders’ door. I knocked, then a muted ‘Come in’ came from behind the mahogany door.

“What causes you to disrupt the Elvders today Vallen?” The caretaker of the Elvders said with a disgusted hiss.

“I need to tell you something, my Elvders,” I said while bowing, a show of deepest respect. Well, I actually had no respect for these old hags since they were all old and crippled but, they held the greatest authority above me and could get me banished so….yeah.

“Vallen of the Damiandre house, to what do we owe the pleasure of this unexpected visit?” The highest ranked Elvder said.

“I am not Vallen,” I said, growing back into my actual form, “I hid the death of her, buried her, and have lived as her for years,” Now I cackled mischievously.

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