The Dinner.

Today we had dinner together, it was the first time in years we’ve all sat at one table. We kinda stoped talking after high school ended. Brie she’s tall beautiful grey eyes and blond hair she decided to wear a red long dress that flowed out. She sent out a letter saying she needs to discuss some things, I have no idea what it could be. I’m getting ready for this dinner and it has to be something fancy due to the dress code, women have to wear a long dress from the late 1800’s. Brie has always been into the old antique fashion. I’m gonna wear this flowery dress, I’m not really a dress person but for what ever it’s for I have to do it. Brie said it was extremely important to be there on time, I don’t think it’s that important but I gotta go.

I’m pulling into their long driveway I didn’t think she would live in a house this big or have it look so old fashioned. “Brie! How have you been” I smiled and waved to her she didn’t wave or smile back she just looked at me like she saw a ghost, “I’ve seen better days.” She sounded cold like she didn’t want me here, everyone else started pulling in and soon it was getting loud, Brie sat everyone in their seats each seat had a card and our names on them.

I opened my card and there was information in it like a task list, “I hope you like your roles.” Brie splurted across the table. I looked at my role in shock, my best friend.

I have to kill my best friend, “what if we don’t complete these task and fill our role?” I was worried. “Don’t worry Ellese, I have plans for those who don’t finish their job.” Brie laughed as if it was some sorta joke, I’m not understanding the joke.

“Hey sav!” I shouted after her hoping to get her attention “What do you want E?” She sounded annoyed, “I just wanna know what your have to do, maybe we can help each other?” I was desperate for advice. “No do it yourself” Brie came around the corner laughing, she sounded insane.

How am I supposed to kill my best friend. Why are we doing this I have no idea what their cards say but based off mine it’s not good. I have to watch who I’m around and what their doing, is this like a fight to the death? Why?

Savannah walked over to me and she was smiling warmly, she had something beside her back. Was this it? Was this her card? Is this going to be my last day? “Hey E, I have something for you!” She pulled a cupcake out from beside her back but she still had one had behind her back. “Set it in the table please”

I was scared this is my last day alive? I can’t do that. I can’t kill Hailey. She’s been their for me, if it’s kill or be killed than so be it. I grabbed the cupcake from sav, she swung something at my head, a hammer? She jumped over the table and tried to choke me out. Thank god for these fluffy dresses, she is a lot slower than she would be. I hope this is a dream, I can wake up and this is over.

I gasped for breath and started running away from her but I couldn’t make it far, she threw the hammer and it hit the back of my head, I can’t remember anything for the past couple hours all I know is I’m locked up, some sorta shed or something. I could hear someone’s foot steps from the corner of the room. I didn’t know who till I heard that laugh. Brie.

“Hey E, sorry you couldn’t make it… I would’ve loved for it to be you! But we both know you don’t have the guts.” Brie sounded crazy. “Make it for what?” My head is pounding “you could have been the one who proved their loyalty! I know how strong you are, but those feelings. I needed you Ellese, you muscle but those brains ruined it!” She was frantic “What did you need us for than and why wasn’t it just me”.

I didn’t get a response I heard the door closing and screaming around me, my heart is pounding I want out. I can show her I don’t deserve to die. I need to get out.

As I was trying to get out I can hear someone being dragged in, “hello?” I whispered frantically am I going insane? “Shhh” I heard the voice talk back it didn’t sound like any of the girls. Who was this person?

I black out and wake up like this whole thing never happened, I was in bries drive way, no one else was there yet Brie was screaming asking for help. Was this just a dream?

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