Just One Hit

I was 13

Barely in high school

I had a friend

Lets call her Belle.

We lived near each other

Barely five minutes apart

So of course we walked home together.

Past the creek

Through the trees

Up a hill


She was exciting.


And fun

And new.

One day she asked to stop at a bench.


And lonely

With not much foot traffic.

She rooted through her bag

While I sat and watched.

Out she pulled a pack

Of Marlboro Reds

Only one cigarette used.

She offered me one

And who was i to say no.

She lit it

I sucked in,


Eyes watering

And she smiled

Asking if it was my first time.

I nodded

Between coughs

And watery eyes.

Eventually finishing the whole thing.

We kept walking home,

Cigarette break in the middle.

Kids our age stared

And judged.

I didn’t care though.

I had Belle

And her never ending supply of smokes.

I felt rebellious

And cool

And exciting.

After all, I was 13.

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