by Art by Sans @

Write a horror or fantasy story based around this image.

Two Sisters

There is something odd about Chrissy. Everyone knows it, they can feel it, can see it. The only problem is they can’t exactly put their finger on it, explain why they feel it, explain what it off, they just know that it is, that there is something.

One day she’ll come in all smiles, laughing and singing. Then next day she is sulking and sad, looking at people in a way that made even the adults shiver. Then she’ll be her happy self again. Most said, at least at first that she had depression and that these moments of a sudden change in character was a bout of depression. It was more than that though. It was a feeling around them, all the happiness seemed to be drawn away at times, others all sadness. Times people would feel fearless around her, at others they would be barely able to move for fright.

Well Timmy was going to figure it out, he was going to solve this mystery. He knew that there was something, and we was going to figure it out. He packed his camera and radio to class, and he was going to follow her from school. He had been doing it for a few weeks, and he started to notice that whenever she went into the forest she would change, so whatever happened in there, that was the answer, and he knew, he didn’t know how he knew, but he did, that today would be the day, the day she would go into the forest.

He followed a ways behind her, not wanting to be seen, but really he needn’t worry really, she seemed far to absorbed in what she was doing, she walked through the forest, following a warm path, and it was barely visible, and if he wasn’t following her Tim wouldn’t be able to make it this far into the forest, and her probably get lost, though really he probably was lost anyway, he really didn’t know where he was, or how to get out of here.

He really could only do one thing, and that was to keep going, keep following her, seeing where she is going. Eventually she stops and looks around. She seems nervous, and she shivers a little. Tim feels the temperature drop, and fog starts to roll in. It’s very dark by now, the only light comes from the moon and stars, though it is obscured by the canopy.

Just when Tim is about to come clean, and ask for help finding his my back, he sees a shadow, tall and moving in a jerky unnatural movement, his breath catches in his chest. As it comes closer he can see the features better. Long black hair, a rasping wheezing breath. It looks like Sara, but darker, and the eyes…. Cold black eyes. She comes up to Sara and they seem to talk like friends, like they know one another, then the shadow looks in Tim’s direction, a bone chilling smile crosses her lips. “Closer…” the voice is raspy and cold. Tim is frozen in fear. He doesn’t move, then he sees the shadow touch Sara. And is pulled in, disappearing into the happy sweet girl.

Sara turns and smiles, though her eyes seem cold, and more like the shadow’s she approches him, then as she stands in front of him a sudden coldness washes over Tim, and he feels like someone stands behind him.

“You know it was foolish to come here…” The voice is cold, and almost seems distant, not quite Sara’s

“But we are glad that you came here. That you followed her. It means that your shadow self… your other can join me in this realm, just like Sara. You can come out now and then too… but it may take time… after all you’ve had years to get used to this realm, and you’ll need time to get used to ours”

He didn’t have time to ask questions to figure out what it all meant. A sudden coldness washes over him, and he is plunging into a dark abyss, the last thing he heard was a cold laugh, chilling him to the core.

The next day people at school noticed it, and started talking about it. There was something about Tim now… he was different. He was more rude, and would laugh at misfortune. He seemed to have more of a temper now, and would avoid the things he used to love. And it seems that he hangs out with Sara more, and when together they seem to whisper more… but nobody really understands what they say, and most chilling of all, is their eyes. They seem cold, and pierce you to the core.

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