Dear Diary,

Dear Diary,

I’ve been writing in this journal ever since I was three. It was mostly just complaints about my annoying sister, Betty. Now I would give anything for me to be writing about that. Everything is more serious now. Not in a ‘I have a math test I didn’t study for’ way. In a ‘the world might be ending soon’ kind of way.

Scientists have found some sort of metal object in space, hurling towards us faster than I can even think. It’s scary. Betty won’t even sleep without my parents in the room. The scientists predict for it to collide with Earth in at least three days. If it stays on track.

I hope it doesn’t stay on track.

Newscasters are all reporting different things, but there is one thing they all have in common.

They all say, “Everything will be okay.”

And I have to believe it.

-Virginia Robertson

Dear Diary,

It’s been three days since I’ve last written here. Today is the day. It’s predicted to crash down somewhere in Kansas, so my parents are evacuating us down to Florida. All plane rides are booked so we have to drive through all the heavy traffic. Betty keeps getting slime in her hair and my dad won’t stop yelling at the cars as we make our way down toward Florida. I rather be watching TV or even reading a book instead of sitting in the car directly in all this chaos.

I can’t wait to see the palm trees though, and maybe even the ocean. I’ve never left Kansas and we only have lakes this far inland. I’ve always wanted to build a sandcastle in the tropics. They made it look like fun in cartoons. Let’s think of this more as a vacation then an evacuation. I think that’s smart. There is no evacuation. Everyone is just going on a vacation.

-Virginia Robertson

Dear Diary,

It’s been a week since I’ve last written you and I know you must be worried. I didn’t leave you, I promise. You are right here beside me and you will be the whole way. The asteroid hit. It reminded me of a planet with its spiraling ring and rocky sphere circle. It landed in Arkansas, right in the middle of the road. Apparently a couple of people died, but I’m not sure anymore. It all happened so suddenly.

I guess I’m just trying to say I don’t know where I am.

I don’t know where anyone is.

One second the radio was broadcasting a direct report from the area and the next I’m here. In a white room. All alone. Except for you, Diary. You would never leave me and I would never leave you.


Everything will be okay.

-Virginia Robertson

Dear Diary,

We are saved. There are other people here with me. They have blue faces and their eyes remind me of frogs but that’s okay. They are people too. We are not alone. They led me to this room with a bunch of buttons in it. I asked if I could press them but they didn’t answer. That’s okay. Mom and Dad never let me press buttons either, unless it was in an elevator. We used to move often. I remember that now. I would always press the button in the hotel room elevator. Right? Maybe you were there Diary, I guess I’ve forgotten everything else. I must’ve fallen asleep in the room because I woke up here with you. Maybe the people will come back for me. Maybe they are getting some food. I’m starving, you must be too. Don’t worry.

Everything will be okay.

-Virginia Roberts

Dear Diary,

Everything is okay. We’ve only been here a few hours. Only a couple hours. Only a little bit of time. Only a little. The people here are nice. I have a room. It has white walls that I can draw on and it has a ledge for me to sit on. They are so nice to me. So nice. So welcoming. So nice. I have everything. Everything. Everything I would ever need.

Sometimes they play games with me. Once they played a game where I started flying. It kind of felt like a drop on a roller coaster. Roller coaster. I always liked those. I wonder how they knew.

Everything is okay now, Diary.


Dear Diary,

I know you’re not a real person. There isn’t anyone out there named ‘Diary’ who will read this and come save me. No one. You lied to me. Nobuddy will save I. I. I need to get out.

Help me Diary. Hours. Months. Everything is okay.


Dear Diary,

EEverything is ok.


Dear Diary,

Everything is okay. I promise. I am home now and so are you. I escaped. I escaped the kind people. We don’t have to worry anymore. I am home. We


Dear Diary,

I’ve been writing to you since I was three. My name is Virginia Robertson and I was abducted by aliens. And you never left me. But you were never there to leave anyways.

Everything is okay now. My parents and my little sister, Betty are sitting next to me right now. We are going home. I escaped. I escaped the aliens. And now I finally get to sleep in my own bed again.

-Virginia Robertson

“My name is Virginia Robertson and I am ten years old. I was abducted by aliens a year ago when I was nine. The only thing they let me keep was my old diary that kept me company when I was all alone.

My diary knows my story.

And now the world will too.”

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