Submitted by Celaid Degante


Write about a character leaving something, or someone, they love.

Morwenna’s Note

Dear Calista

Writing this letter is hard, I’ve spent so long getting to know you, so many years, and you know only know that bright bubbly girl. You don’t remember the transition between her and the girl I am now, but I guess I can’t blame you, time travel is weird isn’t it?

Anyway I’m writing this to say goodbye, and to explain why I’m doing this, I hope you find this some day, and then you’ll understand. So here it goes

You left me once, you wanted to make a stupid decision before you turned 16, and we drove your dads car around town, it’s no surprise two 15 year olds didn’t know how to drive, we crashed and my life crashed with us, and you were gone (is it weird to tell someone how they died in a letter?) and I was obviously devastated, I couldn’t fucking do it cal, losing you is the worst thing I continue to experience.

So when some space coons show up promising me i could have you back I couldn’t say no, i would be insane to say no, right?

So I said yes, I came back again and again and again to try and save you, I’ve seen you hit by cars, crushed to death, murdered, poisoned, die of some kind of illness, you always died, they say it’s destiny, destiny can suck my ass, anyway, it didn’t work.

Astrid and I were talking about a book about a dude who died to save his kingdom, and I thought what if that works here too? I’m fucking desperate cali

If it works, you don’t die, and i don’t have to live this hell anymore

If it doesn’t, I’ll find another way, and you’ll never see this letter.

So if it does work, and I am dead, I love you, and I hate to leave you all alone, but you’ve left me over and over for god knows how long, so maybe it’s payback?

Yours. Morwenna R

(I know this makes no sense but these are my original characters and I’m not taking this prompt srsly it’s just for fun so yeah)

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