Write a Valentines Day story or poem about something you love that isn't a person.
It can be anything other than a human; likely humorous, but it doesn't necessarily have to be funny!
It was just me and her again, here on this bed. I felt bad that I was always taking her here, she deserved to go somewhere better, like a coffeeshop for instance. Take her on a plane and go somewhere away from this place. Perhaps, I should take her to the beach. The only thing I could say with certainty that I do give her though is a lot of love. She could never say I don’t love her because I do. I love her without fear or regrets, I love her with every ounce of my being. If she was to leave, Id leave with her. I would never get rid of her…never. I lay her down on the bed, and tell her I’ll be back. I hurriedly rush and brush my teeth, swish around mouth wash, change into a comfier outfit, and apply lotion.
I cant wait to get back to my book.