The Garden Project

Today is my first day of school at HarmonyHorizon Academy and I’m not ready! I woke up that morning at 5:30 am. I decided to curl my jet-black hair and changed into the issued school uniform, a blue skirt and white button up top with Mary Jane’s. I said goodbye to my mom after I ate breakfast and headed to the bus stop.

When I got to my school the bell was ringing to go to first period. I bolted down the dimly lit hallway straight into the teacher, Mrs Langley. “Are you Miss Samantha?” She sounded astonished. “Yes ma’am. I’m sorry I’m late” I sounded more meek that I’d like to. “Go to your seat Miss Samantha.” I could tell I wasn’t going to like this class.

“Today I’m going to be discussing the main class project”. Mrs Langley began. “As a class, we are going to make a garden to help our community.”

Great! I thought sarcastically. I do not have a green thumb. The teacher handed out a packet that outlined the project, what we needed to get and the grading rubric. “Each student needs to bring their favorite flower.” I realized that I don’t even have a favorite flower. The bell rang to dismiss us from class. I rose and grabbed my schoolbooks.

After school I stepped off the bus and saw a flower garden. In it was roses, lilacs and tulips.

The roses actually looked pretty. I waked over to the garden. “Would you like any flowers?” A man asked me. “Yes, do you have any rose seeds?” The man went back behind the stand next to the garden and handed me two packs of rose seeds. “Thanks! This is for a school project.” I said goodbye to the nice man and walked home.

The next day in Mrs Langley’s class I showed her the rose seeds. “Would you like to add them to the class garden” “yes ma’am” I replied and we went outside. The garden was in the glass lot outside the school. The sun was out and it beamed over the garden making the flowers glisten. I planted the flowers right next to some chrysanthemums that my class mate Jamie planted. I stood back and admired its beauty. Mrs Langley came out. “This looks great Miss Samantha.” “You know, this wasn’t so bad. I can’t wait to see them grow.

I realized that there is beauty in the world this was an example of it.

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