Write a poem about a valuable friendship.


I’m terrified of loosing you.

I’m scared of hurting you.

I’m worried I’m saying the wrong thing.

But you’re there for me,

Even when others arent.

You’re the only one I hug,

The one I talk to when I’m sad,

The one I tell my deepest thoughts that keep me up at night to,

The one who helps me when I’m sad.

You’re my friend.

My oldest friend,

My dearest friend,

My **_best_** friend.

If you ever left I would fall apart.

My world would crumble to pieces.

My mind would go crazy.

I would disappear.

The only way I would leave you

Is if you asked me to.

You’re the only one keeping me sane.

The only one that has remained.

The only one who hasn’t left me since the third grade.

I will always be friends with you even if god forbid we grow apart.

Thank you for everything.

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