Describe a city that is built entirely on water.
Consider how the city's location on water would affect the architecture, the transportation, and the daily life of the people living there. You could base this on a real place or create a new world!
Beyond The Sea
Beyond the sea, there stands a monument to Neptune, lord of the deep, the glorious City of Nereia. Carved out of marble and pearls, Nereia was one of the most prosperous places ever. Dryads are beings that resemble a mixture of mortals and sea creatures. They are the city's residents and come in all shapes and sizes, from sharks to eels and anything in between. Standard features include tails, webbed hands and feet, and dorsal fins. The dryads tended to the land, expanding coral formations and other underwater flora, creating a wide variety of crops each year. Their society developed more until they began forming law and order. The monarchy started when Neptune descended upon the wild creatures and created an elite faction of dryads that were stronger, faster, and more intelligent than the rest. They were named the Beati Maris. This family reigns over Nereia, and with each generation, the quality of life for the dryads improves tremendously. The first king developed better infrastructure, creating buildings and systems that still last to this day. He made arches of marble that lined the limestone streets, houses that could withstand the ever-shifting tides, and poured interest into art so that he could form culture for his people. He is also the one who led the dryads out of the dark ages. Sharing the knowledge he gained from lord Neptune, he started their language, alphabet, grammar, and other core educational aspects. The royal line continues like this with more developments until we reach the era they are in, now the golden age. Magic is now a leading principle practiced by most dryads and coveted by more. Weapons are primarily swords that resemble scimitars and tridents, but as trade continues, even these things are soon to change. The people of Nereia are scholars and warriors, both well-read and culturally have many traditions. These people are some of the most intelligent beings to exist.