Your character sees everything in black and white. One day, they see but one colour in a world of monochrome. Describe their experience of this colour.
It could be a red balloon or a blue bird - this is a good way to really get into vivid and metaphorical descriptions!
The Sun
I love routine. Every morning, I follow the same steps, making sure it’s the same outcome each time. I wake up, and make my bed. Making your bed in the morning is the first step to achieving success. I’ve already surpassed most of Earth’s population by simply making my bed in the morning. I check that off my list, and immediately brush my teeth. I cannot live with the awful taste in my mouth after waking up. I scrub and scrub, fifteen seconds per tooth. I rinse and repeat. Afterwards, I feel quite refreshed and take a walk outside. I like the get some activity in before I fill up my stomach. I feel too heavy if I eat right away, making my stomach upset. I strap on my velcro boots — I hate the texture of laces — and plan my day in my head. In approximately two hours, I leave for work. At nine o’clock, every morning, I clock in to my office job. Not many people like office jobs, but I think it’s the most efficient form of income one can have. It’s relatively the same each day, and I have an effective income for a man living alone. I can provide for myself quite well. All I have to do is produce ink for printers. I create every shade of white, grey, and black imaginable. Well, that is to say every existing color now. There used to be a wide array of them with exotic names such as lavender and periwinkle. Believe it or not, those were only examples from one base shade —purple! That would’ve been my favorite if I had ever seen them. I can just tell by the name, and how each letter perfectly rolls off the tongue. It would be elegant and easy on the eyes. I would like that. The world leaders, all the big guys in society, decided it would be more efficient for our world to be black and white. I mean it follows their usual goal of barricading self expression and anything out of societal normals. “No more bullying,” they claimed, and “less complications to society.” Effective immediately, everyone would be required to have monochromatic eye transplants. Many people supported. If they didn’t, they would be ridiculed for doubting our government. Obviously, the world leaders should know what’s best for us. Well, I must get going on my walk, rather than wasting time recounting history. I wasn’t even alive then; today marks year 4008. Well, it’s a nice morning for a walk. The air is cool and the sky is the perfect shade of grey, as usual. Every tree is in the same place, the typical neighborhood dog walkers are on time, and each car passes by as if on a schedule. I made sure my neighbors enjoy routine. The sun has been covered this morning by the looming oak trees. Past this bend, it should be hovering directly over my neighbor Susie’s old magnolia tree. My anticipation truly builds up with each step, as usual per my routine. Although it’s hard to tell through the white and grey tones, the sun truly does alter in color every day. I should be able to see it peeking through the branches at this point, but something else interrupts me. A faint hue of some odd shade of white is in its place. I finish around the corner, and the sun isn’t there anymore. Instead, a large blob, painful to my eye, is there. I have to look away, and a large splotch leaves a scar on my eyelid. Why isn’t it going away? This isn’t how my routine goes. This is not normal. Why, it looks like an unearthly occurrence. “Susie, dear? What happened to the sun?“ She shoots me an odd look through her gardening. “What do you mean, Tim?” My mind is running. “It’s right there,” she says, rolling her eyes. I’ve picked up the feeling she doesn’t particularly like me much. “You don’t see that odd light?” Susie gives me a pathetic look, as if I’m her toddler, bothering her with my whining. “Tim, why don’t you take a day off today? Are you feeling well?” This can’t be. I’m not going crazy. This isn’t right. The sun is right there, why does it look like that? I didn’t place my electronic contacts in already, right? Maybe they’re malfunctioning? Well, no I only brushed my teeth. Just like every morning, I’ve followed the same routine. Why is the sun different today? Why did it break routine?
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