Submitted by Amy Blu

Never trust a survivor until you know what they did to survive.

Write a story that starts with this sentence. Think about how you could be creative with the genre!

Only The Strongest

Never trust a survivor until you know what they did to survive. Personally, I don’t agree with this. In our town surviving is everyone’s priority. The purpose of their life. The only goal they have in the day. No one ever asks what you did to survive. The main thing is that you survived. If you're strong enough to survive in this town on your own we want you on our team. The worse things you did the better. If you're not afraid to kill, then you're in the right place. Be selfish, be cruel, and be mean if you wanna survive because otherwise, they’re gonna kill you. Without the blink of an eye. Their blade will go right through your heart while they’re smiling at you. The last thing you’ll hear is their laugh. You mustn’t be anyone’s prey. You’ve got to be the predator hiding in the shadows waiting to strike when the time is right. So when you find yourself on the border of this time, choose wisely because there’s no stepping back.

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