A Festival Gone Wrong

“What?” He shouted through the multitude of sounds and cries going around him. The festival was in full bloom and children were running around tugging on their parent’s hands to get to their favorite stands faster; parents were sitting on benches in front of the ferris wheel waiting for their kids and pigeons were sniffing the ground trying to find the best spot to get as many bread crumbs as possible. Through the crowd, you could see the gigantic statue of a clown looking over the families and their friends. At first glance, the whole place was joyous and it seemed the happiest place on earth at that moment but as he looked closer, he saw the children crying because they didn’t win a toy and couples arguing over an ulterior fight they had before coming to a festival they already had tickets to. He saw teens with deep eye bags having trouble staying up behind their stand waiting for the next moment they could tell a kid they lost the game; the only excitement their day had. Continuing to look, he couldn’t stop seeing all the sadness and tiredness around him until he couldn’t take it anymore and left through the front gate without looking back to the festival fo misery.

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