The Box

Of all the things in the shop, Henry hated parting with this… He saw the lady pick up the small shiny trinket. He thought, “She can’t want to buy that.” He had wanted to buy it for his grandmother for months. He had saved $120 but that was just a drop in the bucket this piece was $500. His grandmother had told him a story about a small metal jewelry box she owned long before she had ever thought about having children, let alone a grandchild. She had given him so much of her time and energy since his parents passed. All he wanted to do was give something back to her.

His heart broke as he rang the nice lady up and packaged the small metal jewelry box up. The elaborate metal work that showed a lattice and vine design upon the top glistened just like the tear in his eye. The woman held, took the bag, stopped, and turned to leave. He wanted to yell, cry, sob… but he simply said, “Thank you, Ma’am, and have a wonderful day.”

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