Your character wakes up in hospital as the doctor is explaining that they have sustained a rare brain injury, and that from now on they will…
Decide what the consequence of the injury is and write a story about this character
Oh No!
My eyes open, but I can’t see much. I try blinking them a couple of times until my vision clears up. Once I can finally see I notice that I’m in a weird place surrounded by strange people.
“Hello there, you must be Daisy. I’m Betty, your nurse.” She says as she’s checking all my vitals. “How are you feeling sweetheart?” She asked.
“I’m feeling fine, but where am I and who are you again?!” I asked all confused. I just keep looking around waiting for her to respond back, but she says nothing. “WHO ARE YOU AND WHERE AM I?” I yelled!
This was just all too strange. I didn’t recognize a thing.
A few moments later the strange lady is signaling for other people to come over. “We’re going to need the straps for this one, she’s getting rowdy.” She announced. “Yes ma’am!” They all said in unison. This was just getting weirder and weirder, and now I can’t move. What do I do, what do I do? (Thinking to myself).
“I’m sorry we have to do this to you honey, but we can’t allow you to get like this.” Betty said.
“Just tell me where I am please, I’m begging you.” I asked frantically.
“You’re in the hospital sweetie.””You came in unconscious five days ago.””We had to perform emergency surgery on your brain and something went wrong.” Betty explained. “But let me get Dr. Quinn, so she can explain it a little bit more.”
Assuming that this is Dr. Quinn, someone comes barging in my room. She doesn’t even introduce herself. She’s just walking around touching me.
“Follow my flashlight with your eyes, but without moving your head.””Alright, now squeeze my fingers as hard as you can.””Okay perfect, now sit up for me so I can listen to your heartbeat.””You can lay back down now.”
“Can I talk to you for a minute?” She asked Betty.
Betty walks over to this strange lady. “Yes ma’am?” Betty says sounding confused. “Why did you call me in here? This patient is fine.” She asks angrily. “I’m sorry ma’am, but the patient is having a hard time remembering things and I was hoping you can explain things to her.” Betty said. “Look I don’t have time for this. I’m a busy woman!” She says. “I know ma’am I know, but please just for a second.” Betty begs. “Fine, just move out of my way.”
“Hi, how are you doing? I’m Dr. Quinn.”
“Hello, I’m fine. Just please tell me where I am and why am I here.” I said desperately.
“You’re at the hospital and you had brain surgery. I messed up so now you have memory loss forever. I’m terribly sorry.””I have to go now.” Dr. Quinn said.
Dr. Quinn walks out and Nurse Betty walks over to me and says. “I hope you’re comfortable, you’ll be staying here awhile.” Then Betty leaves the room leaving me alone. Still in restraints.
The End.