The sky full of stars seemed dead and cold; a place once so magical now hurt to behold.

Write a rhyming poem that ends with this line.

When You Go

The nights we shared under the star filled sky will always be special in my heart.

Watching the moon slowly rise and the sun sink below the skyline.

Trapped in each others arms, with forehead kisses and whispered I love you’s.

A darkness that is bright and no longer terrifying.

However, these moments are not going to last.

Soon there will be distance, miles between us. A space that will remain for an extended time.

A job offer that cannot be passed up causing distance that is necessary to build the life we want.

My nights were filled with you; your scent, your smile, your warm arms around me.

When you go, the night air will feel so harsh, filling my lungs with its bitter chill. The moon will feel lonely, even though you will be looking at it to.

That sky full of stars will seem dead and cold; a place that is magical now, will later hurt to behold.

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