
We are at the end of time,and everything has changed. Earthquakes have changed the landscape of the land, a lot has been destroyed buildings down towns flattened.

Trees are down everywhere. Animals looking for food. People living in the streets. During the night no one is safe.

Bears looking for food, coyotes and fox enter the cities in search for food. The biggest threat are the wolves they are taking over. Attacking deer, coyotes,foxes,and most of all people that are sleeping in the streets. The wolves are running in packs and there everywhere.

No one has a chance , they are attacking everyone and everything they are killing in numbers. People fear this predator, they fear no one not even a bear. People try to arm themselves on the streets against these predators, but they don’t have a chance. They attack without warning late at night when no one is expecting. The people feel helpless against this creature for it fears no one nor anything. They have killed off all the coyotes and have run off the bear and have killed many of the deer.

No one will enter the forest without a weapon of fear they may get attacked. Every night the wolves enter the cities in search of food and attack families while sleeping, killing many of the people each night. They are the most feared predator, it is said that they will take over the world.

They only come out at night. Never to be seen during the day. People have said that these wolves are very big and vicious. No one is safe at night.one man has decided to fight back he has armed himself with several guns and has made traps. These wolves are very smart and wise they know where to go and where not to,this man is up waiting but the wolves are cleaver they know he’s armed, so try dodge his area. Attacking all around him, to much for one man. He can see shadows where they are running but can not make contact with them. The alpha wolf protects his pack from the armed man. At day light he finds trash cans turned over people and dogs dead in the streets, cats that have been eaten nothing and no one is safe. People are making more and more fires around the town at night to keep the wolves away it seems to be working they dare not go around the fires. They can hear the howling all around but they feel safe now.

For several days now, no one has been attacked the fires at night are keeping the wolves and other predators away. The people are feeling safe again.

They are working on building shelters to keep safe they continue making fires all around the city. No predator likes fire they dare not come close the humans are safe for now. The population of the wolf packs have become thousands and thousands

It is feared by man that they will soon over populate the world no one will ever be safe.

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