Write a scene where two characters are on a terrible date.
The blind date
Sitting in a posh restaurant, Lucy looked at the man in front of her. His greasy hair looked worse in person and his breath wasn’t any better. Every time he leaned across the table to grab a piece of food, the smell of his breath made her want to throw up. He had the worse smile every and made her feel uncomfortable. As his smile was so wide and large, it made Lucy feel like she was in a horror movie and he was about to do something sinister.
Grabbing her drink, Lucy asked him about himself but his personality wasn’t any better than his breath. Sipping her drink, she wanted to get away and leave the date quickly. She always hated blind dates. You never knew what you would be getting or if the person on the picture looked the same in person. Sadly, this time he matched his picture exactly.
The man across the table was called Mark. Hating his date as well, he looked at Lucy across the table. Her messy hair infuriated him and made him want to curl up into a ball. He high pitches voice drove him crazy as he felt like his ears would burst any second. Looking away, he wished there was some way to get away from this date, but he knew there was none. He knew that he would have to wait till the end of the date to leave.
Both Lucy and Mark hated their dates because the other person had something they hated and from that day on, they both vowed to never go on another blind date.