The Little Girl Who Cries.

A little girls cry.

Little girls cry, you say? Now, that’s a bit grey…

Yes, but true—the little

Girls cry.

Might we talk about Something other than This?

What would you suggest?

—The beautiful sky!

Her tears were like the

_Ceaseless _




Of the sky.

Must you be so…dark?

It’s how she felt, so

_Don’t try to light a _

Happy spark.

What would you have Me do, then?

Simply listen.

Her tears, were the

_Desperate longing _

Of something very

Dear to her,

Something every little

Girl should have in

_Their life, but was swept _

_Away from her like the _

Relentless gait of a river,

You speak too much all

At once._ _

I shan’t slow down, so

_I’ll leave it to you to _

Keep up,

Keep up?

_Yes, keep up. _

Actually, you might

Have something in

Common with this


_She had trouble _

Keeping up

With her emotions,

And oh, how back

_And forth they _

_Were. _

_Like a ship sailing _

Out in a storm,

_Back and forth _

From sad

To angry

To confused

_To worn. _

Worn from the

Never ending rock

Of the waves harsh


Holding her steadfast,

_But never taking her _

_Too far. _

Too steps forward

_And one step back. _

_Tell me now, haven’t _

You ever felt like that?

Yes, indeed I have,

Truthfully quite often._ _

Ah, so then you do

Have something in

_Common. _

_Her thought process _

Was most lamentable.

She wanted the things

Lost to be found, but

It was out of her control.

Like an innocent man cast

To the depths of the sea




With a weight tied to his

_Ankle. _

_So out of control, that’s _

_How it felt. _

She felt so trapped that

She’d sometimes scream

_Into her pillow and yell. _

Scream and yell? Oh, what

Agony! How old was the

Little girl who cried and

Lost such a precious thing?

_No more than eight. _

And she learned, how to

Act older—she had to.

Or, she didn’t have to, but

_Her situation forced her to. _

It happened gradually over

_Time, so she didn’t notice. _

But she didn’t have too much

Of a childhood, either, so maybe

She was never so little after all?

You’re wrong._ _

_Just making sure you’re still _

_Paying attention. _

Why aren’t we rhyming?

—it’s our job to rhyme._ _

Yes, but everything can

Becomes tiring. It’s okay

_To take a break sometimes. _

Anyway, she felt lost, like

A lonely star set in space


To forever remain fending

_For himself. _


Yes, she did speak to her

Mother of her condition,

But only a little bit did it

_Help her health. _


Over the years, the more

_She talked, the stronger _

_She became. _


_This helped her health _

Because she was honest

_And didn’t keep her _

_Struggles locked away. _


But, even when she got

_Older, there was still _

_That crying girl. _




She never got back what

_She lost—what she should’ve _

_Grown up with—and the _

_Reason she lost such an _

Important thing, was enough

Information to never fully be

_Whole. _


Never fully be whole… imagine



_She thought of what she lost _

Everyday. Every moment she

Woke, she thought of… her

_Father. _



She lost her father?__


Yes, because of something

_Of his own careless behavior. _



Won’t you tell me more?__


_I would, but she doesn’t _

Want to talk about this

_More than she already _

_Has. _



Ah, I see._ _


The situation may seem

Small, but there is so

_Much left out. _



Why leave it out?_ _


Because the world does

Not need to be aware of

Everything, you fool!



Ah, I suppose so, mhm._ _


_Don’t fear, anyway, she _

_Has lovely people to _

_Talk to. _


Even though sadness can

_Be a weight. _


Something that ruins her

_Day. _


_She tries to think of one _

Good thing to put above

Everything else, and that

Seems to cause a smile

_To arise on her face. _

__ That’s good.


_Indeed, yes, indeed. _


Now we should end here,


Yes, now you understand,

Thank you for listening,

Friend. Have a good day.

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