Write a 500-word story that starts in one genre and ends in another.
Try to match two unlikely genres together, such as humour and horror!
Dangerous Love
Pounding footsteps echo from the empty streets as I sprint toward the park. I fight the urge to look behind me because I already know what’s there. After years of running, he finally found me just like he said he would. When I get to the park, I’m out of breath, but I can’t stop until I reach the elder tree’s safety. I turn the last corner only to find him waiting for me under the swaying branches of the grand willow.
I come to a screeching halt, nearly toppling over from the abrupt change in pace. A wicked smile crosses his face as I approach.
“I’m glad you’ve made it to our clandestine meeting Alexandria.”
The way Harker is looking at me and the way he said “Alexandria” sends a shiver down my spine, but I’m not sure if this is fear that I’m feeling. I take in the man standing in front of me. He looks much like I remember, with dark hair going slightly silver at the temples and a jaw chiseled from marble. Most of all, his emerald eyes cut through my entire being, leaving me helpless. I try to speak, but my voice catches. Eventually, I’m able to squeak out,
“How did you find me? I’ve been so careful.”
“You can’t escape me. I’m everywhere, just like your shadow.”
His words are terrifying but, in a way, comforting.
“What do you want from me?”
“I want what was promised to me; I want you!”
His words land like a punch. The sheer fact that not only is he objectifying me but also that my parents used me as a bargaining chip weighs heavy on my mind.
“I’m not an object that can be promised! I act of my own volition, and if you think I’ll...”
He interrupts before I finish my thought, “Good, I want you to choose me of your own free will. I’m not the forcing type.”
His words surprise me because he doesn’t seem like the monster I was warned of. I reexamine his face and what at first I thought was a wicked smile has kindness woven through.
“What makes you think I would ever agree to be yours?”
“I think we are more alike than you realize. I was once subject to my parents’ every whim, but I was able to break free. I can provide you that freedom.”
“Why should I trust you?”
“Why shouldn’t you trust me?”
He slowly begins inching forward, and I notice I, too, am moving closer. When we are nearly touching, he speaks again,
“I would never hurt you, Alexandria. You are a dream come true for me. I will do anything to make you happy.”
“I would like to be happy.”
“Then let me make you happy.”
He leans in, bringing his lips dangerously close to mine before pausing. I close the distance, and our lips connect. Our kiss transfers me to another world where I’m free of my parents and finally happy.